Connect Role play Competition

March 11, 2021
9:30-11:00 AM

Overview of the Connect Role Play Competition

course-structureDuring our semester-long role play, students play business development interns at Impact, a Connecticut-based digital marketing agency. They are selling to the leadership team of the UConn Full-time MBA program, who is looking to improve their digital marketing presence in order to recruit more applicants.  (This recruiting context is a familiar one to many of our partners!)

The connect call is in an early phase of our sales strategy, it is often called a qualifying call. Students have scheduled a 10-minute call with a lead referred by a current customer.  

Altogether, this event gives you the opportunity to

  • coach our students on their professional sales learning journey
  • observe top students in action
  • connect with all of them to find fit with opportunities at your company  

Meet your role

You will be role-playing a member of the leadership team for the UConn MBA Program


Michael Bozzi

Director- Full Time MBA Program

Michael is responsible for overseeing the entire scope of the program.  He not a marketing expert, relying on a small overworked team who manage marketing and recruiting for all graduate programs, including his. 

Michael learned about Impact from a friend who is a client, when they were talking on the sideline at their kid's soccer game.  He is curious to hear more about Impact and how working with them might help the MBA program. 


About your goals and challenges

Registered role play partners will receive further information 

  1. Your key goal is to increase quality enrollments in the MBA program. 
  2. You are looking for help with your digital marketing presence. 
  3. You have six months to recruit the next entering class.

About feedback and evaluation

You will provide live feedback to the students as soon as they finish, and survey feedback to the instructor, on the following areas.  Registered buyers will receive further information.  

  1. "Connect": builds good rapport
  2. "Explore": asks good diagnostic questions
  3. "Advise": makes clear connections with business outcomes
  4. "Earn Commitment": asks for next step  
  5. "Overall": in control, professional


Registered buyers will receive further information

  • 9:30-9:45 Buyers technical check and Q&A
  • 9:45-10:45 First competition round and fast feedback
    • 9:45 Role Play: Team 1, Student 1
    • 10:00 Role Play: Team 1, Student 2
    • 10:15 Role Play: Team 2, Student 3
    • 10:30Role Play: Team 2, Student 4
  • 10:45-11:00 Choose a winning student among the four, and provide fast feedback